Laura’s pregnancy diary: Free baby alarm? I’ll take it

Posted on February 14, 2014 by

Laura Hignett is deaf and pregnant. For the next few months, Laura will be sharing her diary entries and her experiences with us as she prepares for the birth of her first child . This week, Laura is all about technology. 

13 Weeks to go

This week I have been listing what we need for the baby and found out that I am entitled to some help with equipment from the social services.

So I arranged an appointment to meet my local sensory unit at social services and they were very helpful in suggesting what equipment I would need to help me hear the baby. I have never had help from local services before as I was statemented as a child.

My parents never received any help from the local authorities while I was growing up so we never got to find out what equipment was available out there for deaf people.

It is so reassuring for me that there is equipment out there to help alert me that the baby needs me or is crying. I have requested for Watch & Care Baby Alarm with vibrating pad. Hopefully it will be good!

Even though there is equipment out there, I have noticed that recently there seems to be less research and development for products to help profoundly deaf people. More investment is needed in technology to help us.

Meanwhile I am just thankful that the social services are able to help provide me with solutions. Hopefully there will be more options for us in the future and more investment!

Laura x

See all of Laura’s diary entries here

Laura is profoundly deaf, has worked as a press officer for the government and is freelance journalist. She is sharing with us her experiences of becoming a deaf parent for the first time and is campaigning for better accessibility for deaf people. 

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