Deaf News: Sky allow deaf customers to cancel by email, not just by calling

Posted on July 4, 2014 by

The Telegraph have reported that Sky TV will allow deaf customers to cancel their subscriptions by email, unlike hearing customers who will be forced to ring in but written letters will not be allowed due to ‘security reasons’.

Sky has come under pressure from the Telegraph in recent months as customers complained about the difficulties in trying to cancel its services.

In order to simplify is cancellation process, Sky had announced that all of their 11 million customers had to now call in cancel but that created new problems for customers who don’t use the telephone.

Sky have relented and will now allow email cancellation from deaf customers registered as ‘accessibility customers’. You can register as an accessibility customer here.

In other news, you can now also contact Sky using BSL, via our supporter SignVideo. For more information, go to this link:

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Posted in: deaf news