Deaf News: Cautious response from NDCS to news of delay in cuts to Disabled Students’ Allowance

Posted on September 16, 2014 by

Last week, the Government announced that proposed changes to Disabled Students Allowance will be postponed by a year.

However the response from the NDCS, who are campaigning against these cuts, is a cautious one. Ian Noon, Head of Policy and Research at the charity said:

“It is encouraging that the Government has responded to serious concerns regarding proposed changes to Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA).

“The National Deaf Children’s Society believes that the Government must not rush through changes to DSA. Unless important safeguards are put into place, these proposed changes should be dropped completely.

“Many deaf students rely on DSA and cutting back on support, without providing any additional funding to universities, threatens to condemn many deaf students to failure.

“We hope the Government will use this year to carry out an open consultation and impact assessment on these proposals.”

A parliamentary briefing setting out the National Deaf Children’s Society’s concerns on the proposed changes to DSA is available online at:

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