Lianne Herbert: Please tell us #WhatDisabledWritersHear on Twitter

Posted on April 20, 2017 by

Following a recent trend on Twitter started by Chocolat author Joanne Harris, many people have tweeted #ThingsOnlyWomenWritersHear. These are often sexist statements that others have made towards the tweeter. This then prompted #WhatWoCWritersHear, WoC stands for Women of Colour, which reveals many racist statements across all ethnicities.

So far there has been little for #WhatDisabledWritersHear. Is this because these writers are afraid to tell us the stories of blatant ignorance? Or is it because people on the whole who have writing as a profession aren’t disabled?

I’ve had positive feedback on my Twitter account so far, but I’m sure once I promote myself more ignorant statements will be sent my way. I cover all three of these hashtags so it’s intriguing to hear what others have to say.

Some examples of the hashtag #ThingsOnlyWomenWritersHear:

L.C Derbyshire @Laura_writes89

#ThingsOnlyWomenWritersHear oh, you have loads of time to write because you’re a SAHM.

…Parenting is more than a full time job.

Alyssa Diane @RealAlyssaZ

#ThingsOnlyWomenWritersHear “Sorry, this just doesn’t have enough of a female perspective.” I’m??? A female??? It’s my perspective??? I??

Hanna Alkaf @yesitshanna

“Wow, your husband babysits while you write? You’re so lucky!”

(It’s called parenting. He’s THEIR PARENT.)


Some examples of the hashtag #WhatWoCWritersHear:

Neesha Meminger @NeeshaMem

actually got this from an editor: i did an asian ya last year and it did well. don’t need another to compete with it #whatWOCwritershear

Paj Sandhu @PajSandhu

“Why are you writing fantasy? Write what you know, write about life in India.”

(I have never been to India.)


Alaysia @alaysiaduncan

Author: *blantantly states a character is a POC*

White Readers: I did NOT imagine that character like that at all!


Some tweets for #WhatDisabledWritersHear:

Elsa Sjunneson Henry @snarkbat

“Wow, you can see well enough to write?” #WhatDisabledWritersHear

Jennifer Lee Rosanna @JenLRossman

“Did your mom help you type it up?” #whatdisabledwritershear

Sahera Khan @Sahera04

I am deaf and BSL user. I wrote 9 books, 5 films and 1 playwright. Important for any deaf share their stories #WhatDisabledWritersHear

Do you as a disabled writer have a story to tell us on Twitter? Please share them with the hashtag #WhatDisabledWritersHear or comment below in this article.

Lianne Herbert is a deaf professional writer who can be followed on Twitter here. Lianne is also on a Copywriting course to enhance her freelance prospects. She is currently involved with the West Yorkshire Playhouse on a Playwright course.

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Posted in: lianne herbert