Deaf News: Craig Crowley says inclusion in the Paralympics vital for future of Deaf sport

Posted on May 29, 2012 by

In an interview by Tom Degun for Inside World Parasport, Craig Crowley, President of the ICSD (International Committee of Sports for the Deaf) has admitted that inclusion in the Paralympic Games is vital for the future of Deaf sport.

Up until now the Deaflympics, which were first held in Paris in 1924, have never been a part of the Paralympic Games.

The article quotes Crowley, who is from the UK, as saying: “Our goal is to reach out to other sports federations and build up our relationship with the IPC (International Paralympic Committee). But the ball is in their court in terms of how they will help us. I think if we can achieve our goal of joining the Paralympics, it will not only benefit deaf athletes but also the Paralympics in their goal to provide accessibility for all groups.”

Crowley says that the Deaflympics, which will next be staged in the Bulgarian capital, Sofia, in 2013, has a future. “I think the Deaflympics is sustainable long term as an isolated event, but at the moment we are going through rough waters.” He added: “Right now we are not getting the exposure we need and, therefore, we are not getting the sponsors we need. That is crucial because we want it to be a top event for our athletes.”

You can read the full interview at:

By Charlie Swinbourne

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