This chicken has seen a few of these Downfall parody films now, with the subtitles adjusted to make it look like Hitler’s going crazy about anything from the England football team to the journalist Johann Hari.
But this one, with Hitler considering the implications of the BSL Act, is utter genius. Well done to Pip Borthwick. Make sure you watch it.
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M Wiliams
March 8, 2013
March 8, 2013
is it without sound? Or is that the point?
March 9, 2013
absolutely brilliant with making the captions. Well done…Next step ?? TV advertissment?
Luke Blackburn
March 10, 2013
What’s so funny about it? Just goes to make deaf people seem inferior?
Dilys Lilian Hilda Burton
March 16, 2013
fantastic and brilliant make that film it is very hilarious thanks for who made that film wow i love it
May 11, 2013
Rofl extremely magnificent.