Big Brother Update: Sam is thrown by question of how much his hearing aids help him to hear

Posted on June 18, 2013 by

Day 4, Sunday 16th June

Dan (an ex police officer) questions Sam about his hearing and how much he can hear.

16.6 - 1Sam explains he is 70% deaf and from birth. Dan asks how much his hearing aids boosts his hearing, but Sam seems thrown and says that he had never been asked that before and didn’t know how to answer. Dan then asks that if he took his hearing aids out does how much less hearing does he have. Again, he didn’t seem to be able to answer.

Sam mentions he can lipread Dan and Gina fine, but doesn’t feel the others all need to know how deaf he is. He sometimes struggles with the conversations in the distant or bed to bed but overall he is ok.

Sam doesn’t seem comfortable talking about his hearing loss even though Dan was genuinely interested and not patronising (in my opinion).

Eleswhere in the House, Michael continues his puppet role giving his “opinion” on the other housemates “in secret” in the diary room knowing that they are watching him! Some interesting reactions from the housemates as he bitches on about them. It causes repercussions throughout the evening as the housemates discuss their thoughts about Michael and his revelations in the diary room about them.

They are unable to discuss it with him as they know he is doing the nominations but they don’t know that he knows that they know! More troubles for Gina as Jemima made several comments that could be deemed to be racist, and she was called into the Diary Room for a formal warning.

16.6 - 2

Todays highlights show was shorter due to a live segment in which Michael gave his nominations. Live, Michael was requested to give his nominations in front of the housemates. Of course these are not his nominations, but are voted for by the public!

His first nomination was for Gina as he doesn’t think she does things in the house. His second nomination was for Dexter because all he does is talk about himself. The third and final nomination was for Sallie because she is always fighting to be centre of attention and he doesn’t like it. This gets quite an angry reaction from Sallie and causes quite a stir. As Dexter and Gina remain quiet, Sallies reaction actually justifies the reason for nomination!

Eviction is on Friday.

The Limping Chicken’s Big Brother correspondent is Michelle Hedley. Michelle is a Geordie originally from Tyneside, now living just inside the border of Northumberland. She loves discovering music and also has a love of the theatre, especially musicals. She’s a fan of science-fiction, watches anything on TV that is subtitled, and is now reliving her childhood renting DVDs! She is also a geocacher, and is on Twitter as @Shelle02

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Posted in: michelle hedley