The Weekend Selection: The GCSE in online dating edition

Posted on June 22, 2013 by

Here are the top five new blog posts from the previous 7 days, based on pageviews.

  1. Jason Wagner: I met a nice girl online. So what’s the catch?
  2. Big Brother Update: Sam is thrown by question of how much his hearing aids help him to hear
  3. Big Brother update: Sam’s first weekend in the house!
  4. Sarah Ismail: Why British Sign Language should be a modern foreign language GCSE
  5. Emily Howlett’s Diary of a Deaf Mum: The question I don’t like being asked

The most viewed story not written this week was: Deaf man enters Big Brother house! Only to have his hearing aid batteries incinerated live on TV

Thanks to our readers, contributors and sponsors .. check us out next week with more top news and views from the deaf world.

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