Deaf news: Deaf man gets ticket while trying to explain the parking machine ‘wasn’t working’

Posted on July 1, 2013 by

A deaf man from Hinckley has been given a hefty fine by Leicestershire County Council after claiming he got a parking ticket while trying to explain the pay-and-display machine was not working, reports the Hinckley Times

Michael Broderick, who is a sign language teacher, says the parking machine was out of order and that he went to nearby offices to inform council staff. He claims that while trying to explain the situation in sign language, a traffic warden slapped a ticket on his car. The council denies the claim and insists the machine was working leaving Mr Broderick with a big bill to pay.

He said: “The ticket machine wasn’t working and I couldn’t access the intercom speaker to ask for help because I’m deaf and there is no adapted service.

“I signed to my interpreter across the car park that the machine was not working and we went to reception to explain. I was advised that as long as I informed them which car was mine, there would be no problem.

“I once again looked at the machine which was still displaying a fault and when I went to my car, I had been issued with a ticket.”

Check out the full story on the Hinckley Times

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