You’ve got to commend a commentator (and a live subtitler) who give their audience the information they need to know, even if it’s during a quarter final match at Wimbledon.
Let’s hope – for the umpire’s sake – that his wives weren’t watching.

Note: The subtitles were corrected soon after – to “big miss!” That said, we preferred the original version.
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July 3, 2013
Ha! What was the original line I wonder!
July 3, 2013
“Big miss!”
July 3, 2013
I liked the one the other day which told me somebody was playing ‘me cow use it’!
Linda Richards
July 4, 2013
Deffo like the original subtitle faux pas! Still trying to work out ‘me cow use it’ …..
July 4, 2013
What about from ASL “I cut my neck . Please send me.20 dollars.”
And “please but hurry”
Antony Rabin
July 5, 2013
Typical errors….I have been told that Prince Harry is gay! Well, the live subtitles has told me.
Irene Winn
July 6, 2013
I have to say that subtitling has given me many laughs over the years.
Philip Baker
July 10, 2013
The current process is NOT the best way of subtitling live TV. You just need a properly trained person and a keyboard. Years ago when I was in the RAF I was trained to sit with my headset on and type what I heard at the speed it was being spoken. I had scores of colleagues who did the same. We were expected to produce 100 percent accuracy. Using an automatic system is a nonsense and unnecessary. It is also an insult to those who need subtitles.