Cochlear implant sales will show the strongest growth in the worldwide hearing devices market which is predicted to be worth £5.5 billion by 2018.
Companies like Medel and Advanced Bionics are expected to lead further healthy growth in sales of implantable devices while an ever growing patient pool will mean hearing aid sales also continue to grow apace, reports PR Newswire.
An ageing population, combined with an overall rise in incidence of hearing loss in children and adults, will provide an increasing stream of customers for the industry.
A rise in demand for smaller more discreet ‘behind the ear’ and almost invisible ‘in-the-canal’ hearing aids are encouraging more people to buy who may have otherwise shied away from wearing larger, more noticeable hearing aids. Cochlear implant design is also changing with the single-unit Medel Rondo doing away with the traditional processor and coil arrangement while totally implantable devices give us a glimpse of the future.
Read the full report on the hearing devices market here
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Robert Mandara
July 9, 2013
The Med-El Rondo looks interesting!
July 9, 2013
Public Meetings at Boston City Council
Colin Lennox
August 25, 2013
Cochlear implants are the business