Deaf News: Deafblind man says Ryanair threw him out of seat… only to replace him with a drunk

Posted on July 24, 2013 by

According to this article in the Gloucester Citizen, a deafblind man has accused the airline Ryanair of throwing him out of his seat for ‘safety reasons’ only to replace him with a drunk passenger.


A DEAFBLIND man has accused Ryanair of throwing him out of his allocated seat because of his disability – then giving it to a drunk man.

Charles Turrell, 52, was left in tears after a cabin crew member banned him from taking his second row seat due to ‘health and safety’.

He said: “I sat in the same seat on my flight out without any problems. I feel I have been discriminated against because of my disability.”

Mr Turrell has a condition called Usher’s Syndrome. He was born profoundly deaf and gradually loses his sight.

He said: “It was wrong that another person was able to take my seat when I had reserved and paid for that seat. To add insult to injury, the woman allowed a clearly drunk passenger to sit in the same seat. Why was a severely drunk passenger able to take a seat in that row but not a disabled person?

“I was so upset by what happened that it left me in tears during the flight.

“To make matters worse, when we challenged the crew, they said they would move the drunk man to another seat before landing.

Read the full article here:

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