Deaf News: Deaf man charged with murder of actor Vitalis Katakinas

Posted on August 2, 2013 by

Extract from The Islington Gazette website:

A man arrested following a fight outside a pub in Islington which resulted in the death of another man has now been charged with murder.

The Metropolitan Police Service said Matthew Powe, 30, of no fixed abode was charged on Wednesday with the murder of Vitalis Katakinas, who died on Saturday, June 29.

A spokesman said Powe appeared in custody at Redbridge Magistrates’ Court yesterday morning, and will next appear at the Old Bailey on Monday, August 5.

NOTE: There is an error in the newspaper’s report – Katakinas died on Saturday 6th July.

‘Deaf community in mourning for actor Vitalis Katakinas’ 8th July 2013

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