In an uncertain world, there’s one person you can turn to for dependable advice: the limping chicken. Offering sensible tips for all kinds of common deaf-related problems. Here’s the third instalment of our ‘agony chicken’ column…
M, from the East Midlands, asks:
This is a bit of a strange problem. I work in a large company with one other deaf man.
Around a year ago, he was promoted and he’s now my boss. I was really pleased about this, because we are good friends, but it’s become very difficult.
I think he’s harder on me because I’m deaf too.
He often double checks my work, and sometimes he will joke about me to our hearing colleagues (he has good speech). Perhaps because I am deaf too, he feels it is ok to joke about me – he doesn’t seem to do this with my hearing colleagues.
It makes me feel like I’m not an equal member of the staff.
At lunchtime he always sits with me, and signs with me about my work, so it’s hard for me to switch off.
At work he is hard on me, but outside work he is friendly, it’s like before.
I’m not really sure I can talk to him about it because I know from the past that he can be sensitive about criticism. Also he’s my boss, I don’t want to make my life harder.
I must admit sometimes I think it’d be better if I was the only deaf person in the company. I’ve looked at other jobs but I feel happy here (apart from my deaf boss).
Do you have any advice for me?
The chicken replies:
This chicken sympathises. Many a time, I’ve seen other chicks rising to become the queen of the coop and accepting that isn’t easy.
Like you, I keep my head down, lay my eggs, and seek out a simpler, calmer way of life – away from the top.
Your problem is fairly unusual. Often, Deaf people complain about not being given the opportunity to get promoted, so it’s great that your boss has broken through the barrier to be managing both you and a team of hearing people.
The flip side of this is that you’re in the relatively rare position of being managed by the only other Deaf person at your company, and you feel like you’re being singled out.
It might be that your boss is keen to show your colleagues that you’re not being given special treatment, which is why he’s being a bit harder on you, but it sounds like he’s definitely over-compensating for this.
That said, it’s worth looking at the situation from his point of view. As a Deaf boss, he may feel he has something to prove, and that he has to work harder to stay in his position.
The clearest grievance you have against him is his jokes about you. If he’s not doing that to anyone else, that seems clearly unfair and could even be seen as being bullying behaviour.
However, he may be doing this because he feels more comfortable teasing you. It might be because you’re deaf too, but more simply, it might be because he knows you so well.
I would recommend having a quiet word.
You mentioned that outside work, he is more friendly, so I would suggest asking him if you can have a quiet drink after work, and bringing up the subject there.
The important thing is to avoid being confrontational in any way, or to seem like you are accusing him of anything. I would bring up the positives of working for the company first, then ask whether he would mind if you talked to him about how he works with you in the office.
Tell him that you don’t mind people sharing a joke about you – as long as other people are the subject of the same kind of humour. Ask him whether he’d mind sharing out the banter a bit more.
If I were you, I wouldn’t go into the issue of your work being double checked at this point. From this conversation, he may pick up that you feel you’re being treated differently sometimes, so hopefully he’ll cotton on and address this.
Of course, if this doesn’t work, and things get worse, it may be that eventually, for the sake of your friendship as well as your job, your best option is moving on to another company.
But do try and have a word first.
Good luck!
Do you agree with the chicken’s advice? Tell us what YOU would do below!
Please send your problems for consideration to: thelimpingchicken@gmail.com
The Limping Chicken’s supporters provide: sign language interpreting and communications support (Deaf Umbrella), online BSL video interpreting (SignVideo), captioning and speech-to-text services (121 Captions), online BSL learning and teaching materials (Signworld), theatre captioning (STAGETEXT), Remote Captioning (Bee Communications), visual theatre with BSL (Krazy Kat) , healthcare support for Deaf people (SignHealth), theatre from a Deaf perspective (Deafinitely Theatre ), specialist lipspeaking support (Lipspeaker UK), Deaf television programmes online (SDHH), language and learning (Sign Solutions), BSL interpreting and communication services (Lexicon Signstream), sign language and Red Dot online video interpreting (Action Deafness Communications) education for Deaf children (Hamilton Lodge School in Brighton), and legal advice for Deaf people (RAD Deaf Law Centre).
Andy. Not him, me.
August 5, 2013
Unusual, odd, even bizarre … yep it happens to us. I could write a book about some of the strange and unusual behaviour I have seen in other people as a reaction to the fact that actually I can’t hear much.
Problems at work can be serious. I usually deal with them by going to have a chat with the boss. However when the trouble IS the boss that makes it much harder to deal with. I did have that problem at my last job which involved delivering a lot of stock around the premises of a large retail organisation. I had to put up with a certain amount of discrimination and prejudice as a matter of routine but I could deal with that. The way I look at it is, I’m being paid to put up with their nonsense. As long as the money keeps flowing I will keep on putting up!
But then some nasty piece of work grassed me up to the boss that my work wasn’t up to scratch and that he had been getting complaints about me. This absolutely wasn’t true but the boss (an ex-Navy Chief Petty Officer) really jumped on me. I was subjected to all sorts of harsh disciplinary measures which I came through without a problem. I was expecting to be sacked but as long as they kept paying me I kept going to work!
Eventually I got through it all and carried on as usual. I never expected promotion or anything like that, I just did the job, collected the money and let them get on with their fun and games. In point of fact their actions would now be illegal but 20 years ago you just had to endure these things as a matter of course. Abuse went with the territory.
It is wrong, of course that we should have to put up with a lot of extra stress and strain at work just because we are deaf. This is what is at the heart of disability and equality laws. What we are campaigning for is the removal of this kind of stigma. In a properly run society it shouldn’t happen. If people can’t manage a bit of sympathy and compassion for those less fortunate than themselves then they should bloody well have their arses kicked.
About the OP: Well IMHO there’s no easy way to do this. Is there ever? He is going to have to tackle his friend and boss and explain his problems. If this guy really is a friend, he should be able to work things out.
By the way had it occurred to him that the boss is being hard on him because he wants him to reach the highest standards? It’s a recognised management technique.
The CyberDeaf
September 4, 2013
“At lunchtime he always sits with me, and signs with me about my work, so it’s hard for me to switch off”
Personally, I’d start working first thing on this, as it looks like the boss is subconsciously worried about his new job and wants to do it as best as he could, so he goes “fishing” for feedback even during lunch break.
If I were you, I’d tell him/her kindly and gently that I do appreciate his/her eating lunch with me, but I’d rather talk about anything that’s NOT work-related during my lunch break, so that my brain too could get its own lunch break.
There’s a wider range of topics for lunch break, like gossip, dreams, jokes, family, sport, vacationing spots for next holiday… etcetera. ^_^
My co-workers know this, because that’s what I always say them when they start talking about work during my lunch break. And if they forget and relapse again in this bad habit, I just smile, get up and carry my lunch elsewhere telling them “Sorry, but it’s my lunch BREAK. Not yours.”
A deaf worker that has managed to avoid using Maalox…. yet.
Food should be eaten with pleasure. Sheesh.