Deaf News: Children’s debate on BBC Parliament today WILL be subtitled

Posted on October 17, 2013 by

Today’s debate about cuts to services for deaf children will be subtitled live on BBC Parliament, a BBC source confirmed last night.

Ordinarily, only a few hours of Parliamentary debate every day or the big debates are subtitled but the kids debate today is going to be an exception to the norm and, I am told, will be subtitled  from start to finish. The debate is expected at 2:30pm and is scheduled for three hours but this could change.

BBC Parliament is the only BBC channel that is not 100% subtitled because the lower number of viewers takes the channel below the the Ofcom threshold. Today’s coverage will be ‘live subtitled’ which is often criticised for being riddled with mistakes. Ofcom yesterday said they’d be doing something about that by asking broadcasters to report on the quality of the subtitles they provide.

Let’s hope the subtitles on two days deed bait are of sufficient quality. If you can’t watch but want updates – follow @NDCS_UK on twitter or see the tweets here.

By Andy Palmer, Deputy Editor (@LC_AndyP)

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