Sign: Petition to stop changes to Access to Work provision for deaf people

Posted on November 12, 2013 by

A new petition asking people to help stop changes to Access to Work has attracted nearly 1,500 signatures within 48 hours.

The petition, which is directed at Sir Malcolm Bruce and Iain Duncan Smith, says that “Deaf and hard of hearing people are being restricted to unrealistic salaried budgets that do not meet their support needs.”

It continues:

For Deaf people, this means lack of choice and control, and interferes with the boundaries and relationship with both interpreters and colleagues. Deaf peoples needs are not being met and their ability to work is being severely impeded. It would add another barrier to employment, as employers would be employing two new staff members to carry out one role.

For interpreters, they would become deskilled, unable to continue to work in several domains, and receive no training or adequate supervision. There would be an erosion of boundaries and relationships with clients would be affected.

There has been no consultation with either Deaf people or interpreters. There are not enough qualified interpreters to fulfil this change. Deaf people’s needs in other areas (eg access to health appointments, police, education etc), would be affected.

To sign the petition, click here:

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Posted in: deaf news