Caroline O’Neill: How we filmed ‘How to Mug a Deaf Person’

Posted on November 18, 2013 by

How to Mug a Deaf Person was filmed on an overcast September afternoon in a park in West London.

The actor Ben Green came up with this film just after he’d written the viral hit ‘Deaf Mugger’ (directed by William Mager) and he felt there was more comedy to be mined from a mugging scenario with an interpreter and a deaf person.

However, the script languished at the bottom of his drawer for several years.

My husband, Mark Williams, and Ben went for a couple of beers and the idea resurfaced. Mark and I had just invested in some camera kit so we were game to give it a test run.

And so, a few months later, the three of us found ourselves standing in a park with Siobhan Dodd, Stephen Collins and James Static, wondering just what we’d got ourselves into.

Filming went well – the actors were fabulous – conditions were perfect – apart from the very loud football match going on in the background.

And thus How to Mug a Deaf Person was born.

Watch the final film below!

How to Mug a Deaf Person was filmed on the BlackMagic Cinema Camera 2.5K MfT Mount in ProRes. Lenses used included a SLR Magic 12mm F1.6, Yashica ML 24mm f2.8 and Yashica ML 50mm F1.4. Edited in Adobe Premiere Pro CC and graded in DaVinci Resolve 10.

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