Round-the-world sailor Gerry Hughes to recieve award on ITV1’s Surprise Surprise tonight

Posted on December 1, 2013 by

Gerry Hughes, the first Deaf man to sail solo around the world via the five capes will appear on ITV1’s Surprise Surprise tonight (Sunday) to receive an honorary award.

Gerry, from Scotland, completed his circumnavigation of the  globe in May and returned home to a hero’s welcome as hundreds of well wishers gathered at Troon. Since then, Gerry has featured in his own TV documentary about the journey, including when his boat capsized. See all our Gerry Hughes coverage here.

Surprise Surprise is hosted by Holly Willoughby and in this special episode, Cilla Black returns to the show, 12 years after her last appearance.

Surprise Surprise is on tonight at 7.00pm on ITV1.




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