I’m notorious for using hearing aids for a LONG time. My first one lasted NINE years. Another one lasted TEN.
With my track record, you would think I was quite fastidious in their care, using the dri-n-store, removing the battery each night and keeping it in a little box lovingly wrapped in cloth.
Truthfully, I’m no better than anyone else at taking care of it. I’ve chucked it all over the place: in the front pocket of my beach bag, my purse, my wallet, my shoe. I’ve sat in hot tubs with it, accidentally jumped into showers and pools still wearing it, I’ve even jogged for miles with it in my HAND.
While none of those things are a GOOD IDEA, your hearing aid could probably survive should a mishap occur.
This got me thinking that there have been a number of scenarios which caused many a near-hearing-aid-death-experience.
And let’s face it, dealing with loaner hearing aids, extra trips to the audiologist’s office is quite frankly, a pain. Or worse, you may be faced with replacing it altogether. Time (and money) is precious! So to spare others from this heartache, I thought I’d shed some light on these potential pitfalls that can mean disaster for your hearing device(s).
In the spirit of preparing for the worst (yes, yes, while hoping for the best), here’s a list of the 10 Most Dangerous Places for a Hearing Aid:
1. On the nightstand
As I mentioned in a previous post, in a strong earthquake those hearing aids can go flying. Even if you don’t live in earthquake country, a nightstand is the Bermuda Triangle for a hearing aid. Lot’s of weird factors can make them disappear. I like to put them in a box or container.
2. Unattended within an animal’s reach
I can’t tell you how many people have told me their hearing aid was eaten by their dog. VERY hard to recover anything that’s been chewed through (or digested) I would imagine. Cats are also unpredictable passive-aggressives that are known to play air hockey with or bury them in sandboxes. Who knows where it will end up.
3. On a roller coaster
Some people really like to take extra precautions at amusement parks because wind, gravity and g-force (?) are not your friend here. With all the jerks and twists, your head can go one way and your hearing aid the other. Good luck finding it in the lake below.
4. Next to a cup of orange juice
Don’t even ask me how that happened, but it did. There it was sitting in a neat orange puddle. I tried to dry it out as best I could, but even the static sounded sticky. I did get it back weeks later. I assume they put it through a mini car wash.
5. In the ocean
Anyone who’s been caught in a wave will tell you it’s like being in a washing machine. So if your hearing aid comes off while you’re dipping your toes in a vast body of water filled with plant and sea life – together the force and pressure of a wave washing it away, I think it’s safe to say it may be sleeping with the fish (or eaten as a snack).
6. Anyplace with the potential for a snowball fight
The Wisconsinian in our home is vocal about this one and it makes perfect sense. Getting pummeled with the equivalent of wet fruit is bound to cause some damage. At least invest in some neon colored ear molds for the winter. You’ll have a prayer in finding them in the snow.
7. On the back of the toilet
Some people might put it there as they jump in the shower. Risky business. One false move and it’s on it’s way to the fish party too.
8. In the street
I’d advocate for skateboarders to tape ‘em on or leave ‘em home. It won’t do well with track marks, gravel dents or smashed to smithereens, nope.
9. The kitchen counter
Two words: garbage disposal
10. The dance floor
If you’re like me, it’s been quite awhile since I went out for a boogie night, but I’m just saying it’s a hazard. I recall in college teasing a friend flipping it off his ear again and again (yes I ama good friend) and suddenly it just dropped off onto the dance floor. I literally dove down to rescue it. Risked my life practically. See? I’m a great friend.
So, that’s some food for thought. After years of use, we get cocky with them. Skirt the edge of insanity really. I hope someone can benefit from my experience.
What’s the most dangerous place you’ve had yours?
If you enjoyed this, you may enjoy Jennifer’s previous article for us, How do you wear your ‘Deaf’?
Jennifer Stuessy is a Deaf wife, mum and blogger from Los Angeles and has worked in various fields related to deafness for 20 years. When she is not working or chasing after the little ones, she shares her smarty-pants perspective at www.soundforlight.com / Website: www.soundforlight.com / Twitter: @soundforlight
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- RAD Deaf Law Centre: legal advice for Deaf people.
April 3, 2014
Always buy zipped coat pocket, they be safe in your heart and no matter where you go. They not going fall out unless you got hole in them lol
April 3, 2014
I totally agree, my current coat has loads of zipped pockets!
ruth gould
April 3, 2014
totally get this – the best loss was at Australia’s Barrier reef – getting changed above the horseshoe coral it fell between the cracks in the decking. I like to think there is now a hearing aid shaped coral growing there!
Steve Gargly (@sirgarg)
April 3, 2014
This reminds me of a place I think in North Yorkshire, where you can hang items and it gets coated in a natural mineral…how cool would this be if people preserved their aids in carbonite like mineral…
Steve Gargly (@sirgarg)
April 3, 2014
I love this because it proves we all do the same thing when deciding where to leave our ear mechanisms ..On the back of the toilet…Doh! I’m forever doing that, thats if I don’t forget to remove them before I get in the shower…
April 3, 2014
Friends love it when I remark in the middle of my hearing aids search, “Wish they could be like Hearing Dogs for the Deaf” – I just say, hey my little piggies come to me ….. hey presto! they toddle along with little legs…
donaldo of the wasatch
April 3, 2014
Here is one for those that battle winter with snow blowers. A prominent college Professor friend who progressively lost hearing beginning with a lightning strike near his body lost it all finally at about age 60. Then, this last winter his Cochlear Implant was deposited in his coat pocket, while snow blowing in seriously wicked snow country. Then he pulled out his keys, which the CI magnet clung too, unbeknown to him. Then the CI dislodged and landed on the grounded where it went through… use guess it – the snow blower. Came out in 4 not so magnificent pieces. His warranty provided him a new one in less than 48 hours, but oh, bugger! that trumps everything but the garbage disposal for a summary execution of electronic hardware and medical devices.
Jennifer Stuessy
April 4, 2014
Donaldo I think you’re right. Professor deserves some type of award for the most disastrous hearing device demise. Hopefully worth it in the end for him. He not only got a new one quickly, and now he’s got a fantastic story to boot. Thanks to all for sharing these. What crazy lives we lead. I’m still laughing!
April 4, 2014
I can’t quite match the snow blower — but one evening, at the point in my life when I was (finally?) realizing that I really did need the little bugger, I set out for my book group and picked up my HAs on the way out. I didn’t see any point in amplifying the traffic noise, so I decided to wait until I got there top put it on. But, gee, I couldn’t find it. Or the little zippered case I kept it in…… long story short, when I got home I found the little case on the ground next to where I’d parked my car and someone — likely me — had run over it. Lots of little pieces.
The silver lining: that was the beginning of my quest for 2 HAs that fit me well and did a much better job of helping me hear.
April 4, 2014
Left mine on a mantelpiece and couldn’t find them for weeks. Eventually discovered them hanging on the Christmas tree when packing it away! Thanks kids!!!!
Jacqui Ball
April 8, 2014
I once lost my tiny hearing aid down the beach, as I took it out to put in my beach bag while I did a bit of sun bathing. When I got home I realised it was gone. I was frantic! How will I ever find it in the sand as I could not afford a new one at the time. So I decided to search in the local paper for metal detectors. Two old blokes turned up and ventured down to the area was lying, and unfortunately did not succeed in finding it. As a result, they did not take any money for this task. I was also fortunate enough to have wonderful family members and friends contribute towards buying me a new one. Now I take extra care in looking after my hearing device.