Teresa Garratty: Is it time for deaf people to be a little less angry?

Posted on April 7, 2014 by

I’m not sure if you’ve noticed but there seem to be an awful lot of angry Deaf people about.

I bet some of you are already becoming enraged by reading that last sentence. Now, calm down dear! After all, life’s too short and I’m not even bothered. See? Look at my face…


I’m not exactly a stranger to unexpected bouts of Deaf rage myself. We all have our own personal pet hates and in my case, cinema subtitle fails turn me into the Deaf Hulk.


But generally, I tend to be quite forgiving when it comes to what people should/shouldn’t be doing in relation to my hearing loss.


There are times when we have every right to be angry. Services fail, people patronise and in general being Deaf can be quite frustrating, but you’ve got to know where to draw the line.


The worst occasions are when we get mad at each other or people who mean us no harm.


Overall, a lot of people are scared of upsetting us and that’s not necessarily a good thing.


So I think everybody should calm down a bit, let things go and laugh them off.

After all, it’s nearly time for Easter and who could be angry when there’s so much chocolate to eat!


Teresa has now written a response to the reaction to this article, which you can read here: http://limpingchicken.com/2014/05/02/teresa-garratty-what-i-meant-by-my-angry-deaf-people-article/

Teresa is a freelance film maker, photographer and full time cynic. At school, she was voted “Most likely to end up in a lunatic asylum”, a fate which has thus far been avoided. Her pet hates are telephones, intercoms and all living things.

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Posted in: teresa garratty