Deaf community asked to provide evidence to support BSL (Scotland) Bill

Posted on November 25, 2014 by

The BSL (Scotland) Bill was introduced in the Scottish Parliament by Mark Griffin MSP on 29th October 2014.

Now, Scotland’s Education and Culture Committee is asking Deaf people to provide their views on the Bill.

The Bill seeks to promote the use of BSL, and responses can be given in BSL (via video) or in written English.

There are a range of questions in the call for evidence, and they can be seen in BSL at this link:

The closing date for responses is 2nd February 2015, and all responses should be sent to the Committee clerks at this email

Or responses (in written English only) can be posted to: Clerk to the Education and Culture Committee, Room T3.40, The Scottish Parliament, Edinburgh, EH99 1SP.

You can find out all about the Bill in BSL at this link:

You can also download the documents in English here:

This article was first published on the BSL Zone website and is shared here by permission.

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Posted in: deaf news