Manchester to hold its first Deaf Rave tomorrow night

Posted on February 23, 2015 by

Manchester will host its first Deaf Rave tomorrow night.

The Deaf Rave will be the first of its kind in the city and will take place on the 24th February at Odd bar in the Northern Quarter. Young people from Manchester Deaf Centre have been busy planning it for other deaf young people.

The young people are part of Trade Up, a project run by the Greater Manchester Youth Network, which provides enterprise training and funding to young disabled people in the Greater Manchester area.

Screen Shot 2015-02-20 at 09.56.44Deaf young people were disappointed that there were no music nights in Manchester for them, so they decided to organise one. They hope that this will be the first of many raves, and that the night will develop into a monthly event.

A deaf rave is unique in that the clubbers don’t need their ears to hear the music; instead they feel it in their bodies, due to the louder music and the pumped-up bass line. The use of a wide array of visual effects adds to the experience.

Sean Kavanagh, who is helping organize the event said “young deaf people are the same as most young people, we want to go out, have a dance, laugh, and meet new people, but at the moment there is nothing really out there for us, so we have decided to put on this night.

Joe Cain, the project Coordinator for Trade Up, added “all the young people have worked really hard to make this event happen and overcome many obstacles, I am hoping that it will become a regular date in my monthly calendar. “

For media enquiries and for more information about the event please contact Joe on 07729956896 or email

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