A toy company have created a really useful infographic showing the Deaf-friendly games that can be played at a children’s party.
Daisy Welch, from the Wooden Toyshop told us how it came about:
We began by looking for games that could be played with deaf/blind children. Our research found a lot of inclusive games that meant children of all abilities could play together, so we added in this info too. We also came across games that could be made, as a project between parents and children and also toys that could be adapted so that blind/deaf children could use them also. As a passionate seller of toys, we want as many of our toys as possible to be accessible to all children of all abilities.
Take a look at the infographic below:
Deaf-friendly games for a childrens party by Wooden Toy Shop
December 2nd, 2016 → 6:14 pm
[…] These games introduced in an infographic by Wooden Toy Shop are suggested to be played at children’s parties but I bet they would be a hit in early literacy classes in public libraries too. Wooden Toy Shop Deaf Friendly Games […]