Deaf News: New ‘fake interpreter’ storm in Florida

Posted on December 5, 2017 by

ABC News has reported on another ‘fake interpreter’ scandal, this time in Florida, USA.

Strangely, in this situation, it appears the interpreter volunteered to interpret, and the reasons for this are not yet clear. Police have said she will not face any charges.


[Deaf] people tuning in to a news conference about the arrest of a suspected serial killer got a message of gibberish from an American Sign Language interpreter.

As Tampa police Chief Brian Dugan announced the arrest of Howell Donaldson Wednesday night, interpreter Derlyn Roberts was there beside him, making signs that made no sense.

“She sat up there and waved her arms like she was singing Jingle Bells,” Rachell Settambrino, who is deaf and teaches American Sign Language at the University of South Florida, told the Tampa Bay Times through an interpreter.

Among the things Roberts signed, according to Settambrino, was the following: “Fifty-one hours ago, zero 12 22 (indecipherable) murder three minutes in 14 weeks ago in old (indecipherable) murder four five 55,000 plea 10 arrest murder bush (indecipherable) three age 24.”


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