Deaf News: Teacher’s social media post about Deaf kids not realising farts make a noise goes viral

Posted on November 6, 2018 by

A Teacher of the Deaf’s post on social media about the Deaf children in her class not realising that farts made a noise has gone viral on Facebook.

The Mirror has reported:

A deaf six-year-old boy was left horrified after learning the reason people were staring at him in the classroom.

His teacher, Anna Trupiano, who works at Kendall Demonstration Elementary School in Washington DC, revealed the sweet anecdote in a post on Facebook.

Screengrabs of the tale were later shared on Twitter by actress Minnie Driver, and the boy’s adorable response went viral.

Anna wrote: “Today in first grade one of my deaf students farted loudly in class and other students turned to look at them.

“The following is a snippet of a 15-minute conversation that happened entirely in American Sign Language among the group of deaf students and I.”

The young boy asked why other pupils were looking at him, so his teacher bluntly replied: “Because they heard you fart”.

Read the full story here:

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