Deaf news: Ref cancels football match because of hearing aid

Posted on March 2, 2012 by

Yes, you read that headline right. A Sunday league football match was abandoned because of a hearing aid. I should add – it was being worn at the time.

Deaf footballer Craig Beech’s hearing aids were deemed dangerous by the referee, and when he was asked to remove them, his teammates refused to carry on, leading to the match – which they were losing 1-0 – being abandoned.

This is a new one on me – in my experience, the biggest hazard for a hearing-aid wearer when playing football is rain – I damaged a few of my old aids getting them wet in a sudden downpour. But actually hurting a player? That seems unlikely.

Predictably, there’s been a bit of an outcry – read the full story in The Sun online here.

By Charlie Swinbourne, Editor

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