Deaf news in BSL from Remark: Funding boost for lip readers | Speed skater | Deaf healthcare

Posted on April 20, 2012 by

Click on the titles to go to Remark’s website, then click ‘BSL’ to watch the news in beautiful sign language!

Funding boost for lip readers in Wales

The Welsh Government has made £202,000 available to train new lip-reading tutors in Wales in an attempt to tackle social isolation faced by many Deaf and hard of hearing people.

Hollywood stars Johnny Depp and Natalie Portman sign in new music video directed by ex-Beatle Paul McCartney

Pirates of Caribbean star Johnny Depp and Oscar winning actress Natalie Portman show off their new skills by signing in a music video, directed by the former Beatle Paul McCartney.

Deaf speed skater’s Olympic dreams

Deaf speed skater Michael Hubbs hopes to represent the United States in the 2014 Winter Olympics.

BSL Users and Support in Healthcare

Are you a BSL user? Do you want to improve support in healthcare services? Now is your chance to help by taking a simply survey.

Remark! at Deaf Day 2012

The morning of Saturday 14th April saw members of the Remark! Training and Interpreting team exhibiting at City Lit’s Deaf Day.

Every Friday we feature Deaf news in British Sign Language (BSL) courtesy of our sponsor, Remark!

To find out more about the company and the services they provide, just visit their website,

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Posted in: deaf news, remark!