Deaf news in BSL from Remark: Jubilee Street Party | The Hub | Elmfield School

Posted on May 4, 2012 by

Click on the titles to go to Remark’s website, then click ‘BSL’ to watch the news in beautiful sign language!

Join the Jubilee Street Party!
Remark! Community and the British Deaf Association invite you all to a Jubilee Street Party on Sunday 3rd June, to celebrate the Queen’s 60 years on the throne.

British Airways, the Remark! Divisions and a Bespoke Training Package
The specialist skills of Remark! Training, Translation and Production joined forces to create a bespoke, easy to implement training programme for British Airways, incorporating face to face training and an online web resource.

WATCH NOW: Hub Episode 3
This month The Hub reports on Bank Access for deaf customers. We collect your stories and speak to representatives from the banking industry. Why has Bank Access been so difficult for deaf customers? What can be done to improve banking services in the future?

Matrix Chambers Deaf Awareness Training
Matrix Chambers, on Gray’s Inn Road in London, is the latest firm to be hit by the Remark Deaf Awareness Training team.

New Trailer – The Secret Lab is back!
The moment you’ve all been waiting for… a sneak peek into the brand new series of Secret Lab!

Sound Barrier Star Awards 2012
Has someone with hearing difficulties been an inspiration to you? The Sound Barrier Star Awards is a joint initiative between Hearing Dogs for Deaf People and Specsavers Hearing Centres to find the nation’s heroes who are Deaf and hard of hearing.

Chinese company names sunglasses after Helen Keller
A Chinese fashion company is courting controversy after naming its range of fashionable sunglasses after Helen Keller, the famous Deafblind American, who became a campaigner for Deafblind people.

Elmfield School faces ‘uncertain’ future
Staff, governors and parents of pupils at Elmfield School for Deaf Children in Bristol, facing an uncertain future, are looking for further reassurances the school will remain open.

Use of New Zealand Sign Language to be investigated
The New Zealand Human Rights Commission is launching a formal inquiry into the use of New Zealand Sign Language (NZSL) in an effort to reduce discrimination against Deaf New Zealanders.

Deaf US student to sue her university
A Deaf American student is suing her university claiming they have repeatedly discriminated against Deaf and disabled students.

First deaf MP Lord Ashley dies
Deaf and disabled rights campaigner Lord Ashley of Stoke, the first deaf MP, has died aged 89, follow a short illness.

Red Cross offer BSL Translation for Everyday First Aid Videos
The Red Cross have established an area of their website devoted to everyday first aid, accompanied by the motto ‘Easy to learn, easy to remember’.

Thief stole laptop from north London Deaf centre
Detectives in north London are appealing for witnesses to identify a man who stole a laptop computer from a Deaf centre in Holloway.

Every Friday we feature Deaf news in British Sign Language (BSL) courtesy of our sponsor, Remark!

To find out more about the company and the services they provide, just visit their website,

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