Deaf News: Deaf German blogger lipreads Euro 2012

Posted on June 20, 2012 by

The German newspaper Der Spiegel’s website has reported that a deaf German blogger has become a Twitter hit by lipreading what the players and manager are saying during matches in Euro 2012 then tweeting their words to her followers.

The article says: ‘Probst has no trouble understanding Löw and anyone else both on and off the field caught yelling on camera. The 30-year-old has been deaf since birth and can read lips. Tweeting under the name @EinAugenschmaus (“a treat to the eye”), and using the hashtag #Ableseservice, she reveals all that she sees.’

She has caught players such as Mesut Özil saying “Oh my god!”, Bastian Schweinsteiger screaming “Mario, finish it!” Or team manager Oliver Bierhoff saying “Yes sir!” from the stands.

She told the website that ‘she prefers to watch match-broadcasts from home, where she can concentrate without being disturbed. “I hold my BlackBerry primed and ready, and as soon as I see something, I start typing,” she says.’

You can read the full article here:

With thanks to @paulbharrison on Twitter.


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