The only thing to say about this video, first uploaded to YouTube in 2010, is that it’s genius. Total genius.
With thanks to Roger Beeson for sending it in.
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July 6, 2012
Nothing enjoyable about this! No subtitles. I watched all of it twice, hoping against hope that subtitles would suddenly appear, but alas I hoped in vain. So the question is why put this on Limping Chicken, magazine for deaf people, if only hearing readers benefit?!
July 6, 2012
It does have subtitles… At least, on my computer screen. What did you watch it on?
July 6, 2012
You need to click the little tv-shaped button with cc on it for “closed captions” – subtitles.
July 9, 2012
Subtitles work fine, As for the content… perfectly normal if not understated problems when it comes to awareness of deaf issues.
July 10, 2012
Loved this, absolutely hilarious!
July 15, 2012
very funny thank you,