Click on the titles to go to Remark’s website, then click ‘BSL’ to watch the news in beautiful sign language!
Woman jailed after pretending to be Deaf to steal money
A Scottish woman has been sentenced to prison after she pretended to be Deaf to steal from a bank in Aberdeen.
Australian TV subtitles law passed
The Australian parliament has backed the amended legislation to increase subtitling on free-to-air and subscription TV for Deaf and hard of hearing viewers.
Remark! annual day out
On Friday 29th June, Remark! enjoyed their annual team building day out to Thorpe Park!
‘Offensive’ sign language book causes outrage in the US
A new book has sparked outrage amongst the US Deaf community after a publishing house announced plans to publish a book titled “Super Smutty Sign Language”
Remark! introduces Level 3 Certificate in Communication Support
Remark! Interpreting are pleased to announce that we are now offering the Signature Level 3 Certificate in Learning Support (Communication Support Worker) which will start in October 2012.
‘Bridging the Gap’ comes to Brighton
Due to popular demand Remark! Training are bringing the new ‘Bridging the Gap’ course to Brighton!
Every Friday we feature Deaf news in British Sign Language (BSL) courtesy of our sponsor, Remark! To find out more about the company and the services they provide, just visit their website, http://remark.uk.com.
Posted on July 6, 2012 by Editor