Deaf News: Access to Work extended to work placements

Posted on July 10, 2012 by

In today’s difficult economic times, work placements and internships are increasingly seen as a key way for people to get their foot in the door on their way to beginning their chosen career. However, until now, funding to make these placements accessible for deaf and disabled workers hasn’t been available.

So the fact that last week, it was announced that Access to Work will now be offered to help people access these schemes is a rare good news story.

Access to work provides more than £100m in support through adapted equipment, support workers and interpreters. An extra £15m will now be added to the budget to help 8000 deaf and disabled people in employment.

The DWP press release says: ‘The move follows a review by Liz Sayce, Chief Executive of Disability Rights UK, who produced a series of recommendations on how to use the protected £320m budget for disability employment programmes differently. The Government has accepted all her recommendations.’

More information about Access to Work can be found on Directgov:

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