The website Boing Boing has reported how a Deaf American man has written on his blog that was called a “f***** deafie” by an airport security officer, before having his sweets taken away and eaten in front of him.
The man, who blogs as TeaAndTheatre, was going through the Louisville, Kentucky airport following a National Association for the Deaf conference, when, he writes: “While I was going through the TSA, some of them started laughing in my direction.”
He adds that they then went through his bag for no reason and found some sweets he had bought. He was told he was not allowed to fly with them, and after asking him whether he would like to donate it to the nearby Air National Guard base (which he said yes to), the guards went on to eat the sweets in front of him, laughing throughout.
It was at that point that TeaAndTheatre alleges one of the guards came up to him, pointed at his shirt, and called him a “f***** deafie.”
Mysteriously, at the time of writing, the original blog post, as well as the TeaAndTheatre tumblr account, can no longer be accessed: http://teaandtheatre.tumblr.com/post/26846647001 but that hasn’t stopped the story being picked up by a range of websites.
Read the full story on Boing Boing here: http://boingboing.net/2012/07/09/tsa-mocks-deaf-man-as-fcki.html
With thanks to William Mager.
Low Three
July 11, 2012
Very well done for featuring this story. The TSA are becoming reknown for their straight bullying tactics. Embarassing and degrading citizens in the name of ‘security’.
Their intrusive and proven ineffective (prooved to be ineffective by famous internet blogger who carried metal through LAX airport) AND their body scanners are banned in Europe because the frequencies can negatively effect a persons DNA and even cause cancer in a cyst or skin growth. If you refuse a scan you are ‘patted down’ which many people have likened to sexual assault!
Re on the story been removed, the original blogger stated that he didn’t want the story to go viral as it may further cause friction between communities however it could also be due to the TSA and American government’s increasing control on online media.
July 13, 2012
Deaf Person Faked Louisville Airport TSA Mistreatment Story http://ocdac.wordpress.com/2012/07/12/deaf-faked-louisville-airport-tsa-mistreatment-story/