Thumbs up: NDCS’s The Buzz website releases animations for deaf young people taking exams

Posted on October 19, 2012 by

The National Deaf Children’s Society (NDCS) has worked with young deaf people to produce three new animations giving deaf teenagers information about the support available when taking their exams.

The project was launched in response to latest figures showing the attainment gap between deaf and hearing children, which revealed 60% of deaf children fail to get 5 GCSEs grades A*-C compared to 30% of hearing children.

For many young people across the UK preparing for exams is a stressful enough time, but for deaf young people like 17-year-old Daniel Owen exam time meant desperately trying to make notes while he focused on his interpreter.

The three animations, Priya’s story (taking the ‘aaaagh!’ out of exams) and Paul’s story (at college I can learn and be independent) are aimed at students taking GCSEs or Highers. While Sam’s story (I’m getting paid while I get a qualification) is aimed at students who may be considering learning on the job and taking an apprenticeship.

Tyron Woolfe, Deputy Director of Children, young people and families at NDCS said: “We want to arm deaf teenagers with the information they need to get the most out of school, college and NDCS – it’s important that they know what support they’re entitled to. These animations are a great way for deaf young people to understand what NDCS does and what support is available.

The animations are available on NDCS’s website for deaf young people, The Buzz ( They will appear alongside a fourth animation, Am I the only deaf teenager, which aims to engage with deaf young people and aims to tackle the problem of isolation.

On Thursday, 15 November from 4pm to 5pm NDCS will hold a live Twitter chat to answer questions from deaf young people, their parents and teachers about the support available. To take part, follow @NDCS_UK using the #myfuture hashtag.

Don’t forget, the NDCS has launched the Stolen Futures campaign to call for the Government to intervene where cuts are being made, and have an e-petition: which urgently needs 100,000 signatures to get the issues debated in Parliament.

The Limping Chicken is supported by Deaf media company Remark!, provider of sign language services Deaf Umbrella, the Deaf training and consultancy Deafworks, the RAD Deaf Law Centre, and BID’s upcoming 5th anniversary performance by Ramesh Meyyappan on 12th October – don’t miss it!

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