US Deaf News: Ryan Gosling visits Deaf school!

Posted on November 1, 2012 by

If Deaf people didn’t already like Ryan Gosling enough (based on the fact that the whole world seems to quiver at the knees when the guy appears on screen), the actor went up a few more notches in our books marked ‘Hearing people we quite like’ when he visited a charity event at Texas School for the Deaf on Saturday. He took two other stars, Michael Fassbender and Rooney Mara along with him.

ABC News reports:

The trio is currently filming an unnamed Terrence Malick movie in the area, and they shot B-roll for their film while at the event. Although they didn’t run the 5K race, Gosling paid $50 for $1 glow-in-the-dark cotton candy from a booth staffed by deaf children, the foundation’s director, Anne Adams, told the Washington Post.

“The film crew has been parking some of their trucks on our campus during filming because we have a 67-acre campus right in the center of the city and it’s often used for such purposes,” Adams wrote in an e-mail to the Post.  ”We knew that Ryan was in town, and he’s been on streets around campus often so we were just pipe dreaming (and look what happened!)”

Indeed, fans at the fundraiser couldn’t hold back their excitement over seeing the stars, especially Gosling.


“Omg omg omg @RyanGosling just walked right in front of me!!!! #dying #prayersanswered #spooky5k,” another wrote.

In addition to boosting spirits, Gosling and co. helped the foundation raise around $20,000.

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