Click on the titles to go to Remark’s website, then click ‘BSL’ to watch the news in beautiful sign language!
Deaf woman dies in train track tragedy
An inquest has recorded a verdict of accidental death after a Deaf woman was tragically killed by a train after sitting on the railway line
Conference explores Deaf identity and genetics
Bristol conference, called ‘Sleepwalking into Eugenics’ marked the end of a two year project focusing on genetics and the concept of Deafhood.
300 year old book reveals early attempts at deaf communication
A communication manual which belonged to a deaf teenager has been discovered at an English manor.
University set to research link between cochlear implants and sign language
America’s RIT has received a $2.3 million research grant to conduct a four year study into the interactions between language, learning and cognitive abilities of deaf students with cochlear implants.
New drop in service for Deaf and deafblind people in Barnet
A new drop in service called ‘BSL Tuesdays’ will provide information, advice and advocacy for Deaf and deafblind sign language users living in Barnet.
LIVE AT GREEN LANES: Comedy Show at St John’s Centre
There will be a Deaf Comedy show at Green Lanes Deaf Club this Friday
Interpreter takes home 3 awards at prestigious ceremony
Zane Hema, Registered Sign Language Interpreter takes home 3 awards at the Signature Annual Awards
DCAL searches for parents of deaf children for educational research project
A new project at DCAL is aiming to investigate how deaf children’s planning, working memory, attention and problem solving, which are know as executive functions, develop over time.
Apology for deaf footballer from taxi firm boss
Boss of taxi firm, Addison Lee, has apologised after comments about Deaf Footballer
Every week we feature Deaf news in British Sign Language (BSL) courtesy of our sponsor, Remark! To find out more about the company and the services they provide, just visit their website, http://remark.uk.com.
Posted on November 19, 2012 by Editor