Movember always makes the Limping Chicken feel a little inadequate, because chickens already have feathers and there’s not much a chicken can do to make their upper lip area any more fluffy than it already is.
But these Deaf men clearly don’t have the same problem. They’re letting those follicles south of the nose grow with abandon.And in doing so, they’re making a statement. They’re saying that charity is more important than having a face that’s all itchy and bristly for a month.
They’re also asserting that raising money for good causes is worth braving strange looks in the street, an inevitable cooling in relations with their partners, and the admiring glances of dubious individuals who rather like a man with a 70s pornstar-style ‘tache.
For their pain, suffering and chasity, we suggest you donate money to your favourite ‘tache at the links below, right now.
(And do tell us in the comments below who your favourite is. We’re rocking the ‘Easy Rider’ look that Sam Dore’s sporting but we’re not writing off Ashton Jean-Pierre just yet.)
Sam Dore
Luke Blackburn
Glyn Pallister
Ashton Jean-Pierre
Tyron Woolfe
Robert told us: “I haven’t had a moustache before and only tried growing one because I heard about Movember in the Finnish news. My wife doesn’t like it and everyone else is too polite to give an honest opinion… So it’s most likely to go at the end of the month.”
We are also too polite to give our opinion, but we salute you, Robert.
The Limping Chicken is supported by Deaf media company Remark!, provider of sign language services Deaf Umbrella, and the RAD Deaf Law Centre.
November 20, 2012
you all are looking good! my husband got dark beard and is impossible to lipread!! at least it’s for good cause!
Luke Blackburn
November 20, 2012
Kudos to the lads. Disappointing there are not more lads doing it. Well done my Mo-Bros!