The Croydon Guardian has reported how James Clarke, who is Deaf and has Usher syndrome, was refused a sign-language interpreter by Fitness First in Purley, South London.
A deaf Olympic torchbearer was refused a sign-language interpreter for personal training sessions he had paid for at one of the world’s largest gym chains.
James Clarke, 35, has spent six months fighting to make Fitness First pay for an interpreter, which he claims they are obliged to provide under the Equality Act 2010.
Mr Clarke, from Sanderstead, suffers from Usher syndrome and was born profoundly deaf and partially sighted.
He joined the gym in May and initially attempted to complete the two introductory training sessions, which come with the £34 monthly membership, by communicating with pen and paper.
But he struggled due to his poor eyesight and requested a sign- language interpreter.
Mr Clarke, who in June carried the Olympic torch in Derby, said: “They kept me waiting for six months with emails making unreasonable suggestions, such as to bring a family member or friend.
“I don’t see it being professional and I would lose my independence. They made delaying antics such as saying they will look at the matter and left it for too long.”
After six months, he received an email from Fitness First’s management stating the Purley branch was coming under different ownership and could not help him.
Read the rest of the article here: http://www.croydonguardian.co.uk/news/10060711.Deaf_Olympic_torchbearer_refused_sign_language_help_by_gym/?ref=mr
The Limping Chicken is supported by Deaf media company Remark!, provider of sign language services Deaf Umbrella, and the RAD Deaf Law Centre.
Dawn Thomas
November 23, 2012
As a hearing person, not only am I shocked and appalled by the incident, but also by the comments that the readers of the Croyden Guardian have made. I would suspect that many of these ppl have been on holiday abroad and expected English translations in museums/restaurants. BSL is a language used by necessity, not because that person has chosen not to use English. For the sake of just 2 sessions, Fitness First have been very lazy. Too many businesses, large and small, think that by putting in a lift they are “fully accessible”, something I’m trying to sort out in the company I work for by starting to learn BSL and making people aware of how they communicate to others. Perhaps James should have asked for the interpreter from the start, but I suspect that this would have resulted in him having no sessions at all.
November 23, 2012
Very good. All deaf people need to stand up and fight for their rights.
We need more people like James.
November 26, 2012
Just added my two cents to the Croydon website- really shocking how ignorant the public are towards DLA, rights to equality, accusing us of asking for ‘free handouts’. Disgusting.
January 1, 2013
Hello! It’s me James. One of my friend said : “Fitness First?” No, its Money First, Fitness Second! Brilliant context!
January 1, 2013
Hello, it’s me James.
One of my friend said “Fitness FIRST”? No, it is Money FIRST, Fitness SECOND.