Deaf news in BSL from Remark: Deaf man sorry for bus death | Deafness and dementia | South Africa hopes for sign language recognition

Posted on December 19, 2012 by

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Deaf man shot dead in South Africa
A Deaf man has been shot dead by an intruder at his house in Durban, South Africa.

Research suggests link between Deafness and Dementia
The BBC has reported on a possible link between deafness and dementia.

Deaf man says sorry after bus death in Dublin
A Deaf man has said sorry after a man was run over by a double decker bus and killed following a fight next to a busy road in Dublin.

South African President offers hope for official recognition of sign language
The President, Jacob Zuma, said that his government should debate whether sign language should become an official language in the country.

First Deaf priest ordained in Canada
Amid signs that the Catholic Church is reaching out to the Deaf community in Canada, the country’s first Deaf priest has been ordained.

Every week we feature Deaf news in British Sign Language (BSL) courtesy of our sponsor, Remark! To find out more about the company and the services they provide, just visit their website,

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