Info-shot is a new information service aimed at increasing awareness and equity of deaf people and deaf issues by producing short videos covering common topics, in BSL with subtitles. The first video looks at ‘How to use BSL/English Interpreters.’ Very useful for hearing folk who’ve never used a terp before. Take a look.
The next Info-shot will be on ‘Terminology.’
Info-shot is a collaboration between COMMTACS training & development and Sign Language Interactions
You can visit Info-shot pages at: www.infoshot.org.uk, and visit their YouTube channel at: http://www.youtube.com/user/infoshot
The Limping Chicken is supported by Deaf media company Remark!, provider of sign language services Deaf Umbrella, and the RAD Deaf Law Centre.
Lana Senchal
December 19, 2012
Very useful for hearing folk who’ve never used a terp before. Take a look.
I wonder how these hearing folk learn about the new Info-Shot?? From youtube only?
Jude Caldwell
December 20, 2012
Excellent and beautifully put. Well done!
Kal Newby
January 24, 2013
This is a lovely, clear explanation about the hows and whys of interpreters. It would be good if they had also shown a picture of the yellow badge that registered interpreters must always carry with them. Perhaps a film could also be made to tell people how to complain about an interpreter if you receive a poor service from one?