I used to love going to training courses and seminars, my first thought would be “ooh I wonder what’s for lunch?” not, “am I going to be able to hear?” Oh how things change. Given that I don’t ‘look deaf’ (what does that even mean?!), people don’t know to compensate and in a room full of strangers how many people would be confident to stand up and say, “Right, I’m going to give a ten minute talk on induction loop use before we start.” Not likely.
I recently drove for over 2 hours to attend a one-day conference, at which I documented my struggles. This came with the added bonus of me looking like the most avid note-taker, little did they all know…
9:10am: Have arrived by the skin of my teeth, having missed three turnings and argued several times with the sat-nav, which I didn’t know how to turn up. Managed to drive round the building 3 times before finding the car park, so I know it from all angles now. Shame I still can’t find the front door.
9:30: Have had a tour of the building – I figured I might as well know the inside of the building as well as out.
9:45: Coffee is served in a corridor with double height ceiling, which doesn’t offer the best acoustics. Tried to take my coffee into the conference room but was stopped by the refreshment police, apparently only water is allowed in there.
9:50: Have downed my coffee in order to get myself a seat in the optimum hearing position. Have managed one near the back (so nobody can sit behind and interfere with my aids), facing forwards (obviously) and directly in front of the lectern.
10:00: Introduction and induction loop try out time. Yay, it works!
10:05: My ‘yay’ is short-lived. The first speaker has just waved the microphone around, asked rhetorically “you can all hear at the back can’t you?” and slammed it down on the lectern, making me jump about 5 feet in the air. I assume everyone thinks I was asleep, not that the sound is being played directly into my brain. I instantly dislike speaker number one. Cue lots of doodling in my jotter.
10:30: He’s done, thank goodness. I need another coffee already, I’m shattered. The woman in charge says she’ll just shout too, are they all microphone-phobic? I hope this doesn’t become a trend.
10:31: Coined new phrase: Micro-phobic – The fear of karaoke competitions
10:32: Woohoo! The next speaker used the lectern and mic. I could hug her. Possibly I shouldn’t, everyone already thinks I have narcolepsy, I don’t need another reason to stand out.
11:00: Break time in the corridor/beehive. I stay in the room for a short while and speak to the man next to me until we agree caffeine is in order. I converse as well as I can in the beehive and the man either tells me that he manages 5 sites or he tries to high 5 me. Either way it’s awkward. I sit on my own in the conference room thinking “what did we do in these situations before smartphones?” Oh yeah, talked to each other.
11:30: The next session is two hours long. The first guy speaks from the other side of the room and therefore sounds like he’s under a pile of pillows. What shall I doodle next?
12:25: I have headache. The next 3 speakers did use the mic but kept turning to look at the powerpoint on the screen, making their voices fade in and out. I feel dizzy.
12:30: It’s the Q&A session now with the last 4 people and they’re sat along the front, so I can’t see or hear them.
12:35: The photographer keeps taking photos of me note-taking. I really hope he doesn’t zoom in on photoshop and see what I’m actually writing. Just in case: Hi photographer! I can’t hear a thing can you? I really like your camera.
1:40: Just been out for lunch on my own, the corridor was too much to cope with, there weren’t even any tables and sitting on the floor on my own was just too depressing. Went to McDonalds and played a game I enjoy called “Let’s see if they’ve ever sold a salad in here before”. I was served by a trainee, which is even more fun because they never know where the button is on the till. I managed to spill a coffee down myself and accidentally forgot where I was before starting to sing to myself. I feel like a social outcast.
1:45: My high 5 friend asked where I was at lunch so I confessed and told him I was hard of hearing and went out for food. He agrees that the building sucks acoustically but tells me I haven’t missed much and he is going to leave at the part of the session titled “Speed dating”. I hadn’t noticed that. Shit.
2:00: No mic again. I might as well have gone clothes shopping, especially as I’m covered in coffee.
2:15: A guy just queried one of the paintings on the last presentation, basically giving an art history lesson about the artist and its symbolism. He has his laptop open in front of him, I’m sure he’s just got Wikipedia up to look it up. I’ve given him a knowing look like I’m onto him.
2:45: The last lady glued herself to the lectern, for which I am thankful. She was very interesting. Time to Skype the USA now for their take on things. Everyone is so excited, they obviously think they’re cutting edge. Bless.
3:30: Well, I heard the women in the USA better than I’ve heard anyone else all day. Clear as a whistle. Just drying my eyes after the sad news that they’re not bothering with the Speed Dating, as we’ve overrun. Naturally I’m gutted. Just the evaluation form to go now, how honest shall I be?
3:40: I went with, “Don’t worry, I don’t like deaf people either,” left the name blank and ran. I wonder how many arguments I can have with Mrs Sat Nav on the way back home?
Georgina lives with her husband in West Yorkshire, where she works as a local government manager. She has been deaf all her life and suffered a further loss in both ears in 2012. She loves going to ballet lessons, reading, listening to music and spending time with family and friends, often over a good bottle of wine. In her spare time she is learning about photography.
Robert Mandara
January 9, 2013
Firstly, you should have asserted yourself and shouted at the first presenter to let him know that you need him and everyone else to use the mic. I know it’s not easy but I think it is the only way. Alternatively, you could have contacted the organisers to make sure that presenters were informed to use the mic before proceedings began. As a final act, couldn’t you speak to the presenter(s) afterwards to let them know that you were excluded? It might help to prevent the same thing happening again.
I’m much more worried that you sit at the back of the room so that people don’t fiddle with your hearing aids. You’re not at school anymore! If anyone in a conference fiddled with my hearing aids, they’d spend the rest of the day trying to extract my fist from their face! For your own sake, sit where you can both see (lipread) and hear.
January 9, 2013
It’s always interesting to see the response on this kind of article because there is always the argument that Deafies themselves should do more to make our needs clear. I had that response to an article I wrote about being in a very tricky meeting where I felt completely left out.
However, becoming very assertive and demanding better adjustments from people with little idea what deafness means isn’t something that comes overnight, it can take years to work out the best way of asking and getting the right results – as I’ve found myself. I’ve also found that sometimes, my methods don’t work, so I have to go back to the drawing board!
Thanks to Georgie for sharing your experiences with us – you’re not alone in going through this kind of experience!
Charlie (Editor)
Robert Mandara
January 9, 2013
I fully agree with you Charlie. When I was Georgie’s age, I regret to say that I wouldn’t have had the nerve to assert myself either – lord knows there were plenty of situations where I should have done. In middle age I’m much more assertive and much happier for it. In every situation, we must decided how to handle it on a case by case basis. This was a conference where people came to “hear” the speakers. If the speaker couldn’t be heard (never mind whether they’re saying anything remotely interesting) then the conference has failed to deliver and has just wasted Georgie’s valuable time.
January 9, 2013
I know exactly where Robert is coming from, I haven’t been struggling to this extent for that long though and I am coming to terms with taking responsibility for it. My point is that I shouldn’t have to make a big deal about it though, as a speaker it is your responsibility to think about the needs of everyone in the room. I took someone else’s place at the last minute on the conference I’ve mentioned, so my needs were never mentioned on the booking form, therefore you could say that I’m the only one to blame. However, I regularly see that so many people’s needs are catered for as a matter of course and it grates on me that I have to ask for mine to be.
As for the ‘interfering with my aids’, I think this may have been misconstrued. I didn’t mean physically interfering. With the microphones being behind my head, and my knack of sitting in front of the two women who haven’t seen each other in 12 months and use the session as a means of ‘catching up’ in a stage-whisper, I didn’t want anyone’s unwanted noise interfering with them!
January 9, 2013
Georgie- I’m wondering, have you ever booked a palantypist or (if relevant to you), a BSL interpreter?
Personally, I consider the following three responses to all mainstream events to be more appropriate;
1) Full access via means of a palantypist or BSL interpreter etc (and ideally you would seek out the very best available in your region), as well as asserting your needs where necessary. This is the ideal situation, and should be far, far more commonplace than it is now.
2) Partial access without the aforementioned professionals, only by continuously (relentlessly!) asserting your needs. However, this can be exhausting and often for very little payoff.
3) Not attending at all, or finding alternative events with better access.
I am in agreement with Charlie though; working out your optimal access solutions takes time and practice (plus a little fire in your belly certainly helps), but it is well worth it, for your sanity at least!
January 10, 2013
Last year i discovered remote captioning and STTR (speech to text relay) and have never looked back as Laura says above this means the use of palantypists and there are services providing this i use for meetings and now i ask for captioning at events. yesterday i was at an event run by the Dept of Health and i asked for captioning to be included – the organisers had never done this before and did take it up with a big success as not only did i benefit but several people in audience who are hard of hearing and admit they would “never have put there hands up” to ask for this so this is something that needs to be thought about more at events as a matter of an option. Induction loops in my experience have never been well used, quality is poor or just no one even knows where to ‘switch system on’….. my suggestions is to advocate for captioning as an everyday option and resource with the technology today it makes perfect sense to have this is a highlighted option or choice.
Georgie i understand the bit about having confidence and being assertive we all have to step through that and ‘not wanting to draw attention’ to ourself. I’m now very much known as reorganising lots of situations to ensure i can benefit otherwise i miss out and i just cannot afford to miss out anymore. Take a look at the link on this page to Bee communications to learn more about captioning as this is who i now use having also now got ATW to pay for this service. I also wrote article on here about case for remote STTR in the NHS if you want to take a read of my experience. All best