Poem: Colin Thomson’s ‘Emotions’

Posted on February 1, 2013 by

Have you met my friend, Mr Lonely
He’s come to stay at my place
Oh please don’t ask me to describe him
I hardly see a smile on his face
Told me about his friend, Mr Jealous
No I never met him at all
Some say he’s a demon in your mind
I’m not gonna invite him to call
In my heart was Mr Sunshine
Yes you’ve been away far too long
It’s beating along to a rhythm
But it’s just another sad song
I’ve still got my friend Mr Laughter
It’s the only thing that keeps me sane
We’ve been through stormy weather
Sometimes wonder if I’m to blame
The one we don’t like is Mr Thunder
He seems to bring a lot of rain
Seems like he takes a lot of pleasure
In giving people pain
Yes we all love Mr Cupid
Tell me who you’re visiting today
I’ve not seen him for a long time
Maybe he doesn’t want to play
We have all met Mr Friendship
Stays with us all the while
No matter what life throws at us
Sure knows how to make me smile
copyright Colin Thomson september 2011
As well as being a poet, Colin Thomson is a family support worker and is a freelance BSL/Deaf Awareness trainer. He is also a signed singer, possibly one of the first in the UK, performing for the first time over 35 years ago. He has performed on See Hear and at various Deaf events, and is the fourth generation of his family to be born Deaf.

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Posted in: colin thomson, poem