On Tuesday, we reported how John Maucere, otherwise known as Playgirl’s “sexiest deaf guy” for their January 1990 issue, wowed fans at the Super Bowl with an ASL rendition of The Star Spangled Banner.
Now, celebrity site TMZ has interviewed Maucere in the street.
Alas, the questions are not subtitled, but his responses are in ASL, for those who are au fait with the method of sign across the pond.
And, y’know, if you can’t hear the questions, and don’t understand the signs, then you can always just look at Maucere for a few minutes. He is, after all, incredibly good looking.
Watch the video at this link: http://www.tmz.com/videos/0_nybfk83j/
Spotters badge to William Mager.
The Limping Chicken is the UK’s independent deaf news and deaf blogs website, laying eggs every weekday morning! Since February 2012 we have clocked up nearly 400,000 views and published over 70 deaf writers. Please take a moment to find out more about our supporters: Deaf media company Remark!, sign language communications agency Deaf Umbrella, provider of video interpreting services SignVideo, theatre captioning charity STAGETEXT, legal advice charity the RAD Deaf Law Centre, and Remote Captioning provider Bee Communications.
February 7, 2013
Him, world’s sexist Deaf man?? he does not impress me.. to each’s opinion, of course
February 7, 2013
You’ve hurt his feelings now, Lana!! Do other UK deaf women agree? Let us know…
Ricky Taylor (@ridor9th)
February 8, 2013
He was considered the sexiest deaf guy in 1990. That is 23 years ago, okay?