I’m here, you’re there
Someplace, somewhere
A time to share
Days will come and days will go
See the kids they grow, so fast
Will anything last?
Staring at the empty chair
Look at the wrong time, you’re not there
It’s a lovely day but it might as well rain
But then I think of you, a smile appears
Looking at photos we made over the years
In my heart you take your place
In my mind I see your face
Life’s a journey and you cant wait
The road is long
At the crossroads, which way do you turn?
Guess I’m gonna have to learn
Mr Lonely go away, I didn’t invite you to play
Hey don’t worry I’m not alone
Got Facebook and friends on the textphone
Made me open my eyes
It’s come as a surprise
I love you more then signs can say
Till you come back again
Copyright Colin Thomson September 2011
As well as being a poet, Colin Thomson is a family support worker and is a freelance BSL/Deaf Awareness trainer. He is also a signed singer, possibly one of the first in the UK, performing for the first time over 35 years ago. He has performed on See Hear and at various Deaf events, and is the fourth generation of his family to be born Deaf.
The Limping Chicken is the UK’s independent deaf news and deaf blogs website, laying eggs every weekday morning! Since February 2012 we have clocked up nearly 400,000 views and published over 70 deaf writers. Please take a moment to find out more about our supporters: Deaf media company Remark!, sign language communications agency Deaf Umbrella, provider of video interpreting services SignVideo, theatre captioning charity STAGETEXT, legal advice charity the RAD Deaf Law Centre, and Remote Captioning provider Bee Communications.
Posted in: colin thomson, poem
February 8, 2013
hi folks this poem was written when son left home or universitry and started a new journey for both of us emjoy
February 8, 2013
A lovely, lovely poem – I’m sure parents everywhere can relate to the bitter sweet sadness of letting children go contained in this poem.
Thank you, Colin.