Well this is a first. In Germany, they recently held the world’s first tattoo convention.
And cannily, they released a subtitled version of the video, in English.
Things get a tad awkward as the reporter goes round finding out not only about Deaf tattoo fans, but also the dos and don’ts of how to talk to, and about Deaf people.
But it’s well worth a watch for a peek at what looks like the kind of convention we could do with here in Blighty.
So who’s up for going to the next one? Limping Chicken road trip, anyone? Prize for the first person who gets a chicken tattooed on their arm?
The Limping Chicken is the UK’s independent deaf news and deaf blogs website, laying eggs every weekday morning! Since February 2012 we have clocked up nearly 400,000 views and published over 70 deaf writers. Please take a moment to find out more about our supporters: Deaf media company Remark!, sign language communications agency Deaf Umbrella, provider of video interpreting services SignVideo, theatre captioning charity STAGETEXT, legal advice charity the RAD Deaf Law Centre, and Remote Captioning provider Bee Communications.
February 8, 2013
Tattoos can look ugly sometimes – saw one young girl with tattoo word “c…” on her on ankle – wonder how she, as a Mum later, explains to her kids what it means?
February 8, 2013
I’d be more worried about explaining why that tattoo was in the wrong place.
February 8, 2013
Deaf tattoos…. nobody can hear you scream….
February 14, 2013
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