Well. What a fortnight.
I feel like I’m about to come out. I’m going to come out as… an admin of the ‘Spit the Dummy and campaign for BSL Act!’ group over on Facebook. Yes I am one of the six, soon hopefully to be more, because frankly, six is not enough. We know this.
Perhaps I should go back to the beginning.
It all started when John Smith, a well-known deaf comedian, put some videos on his Facebook page, calling for action on a new ‘BSL Act’ for legislation and protection of BSL.
As well as inspiring James Clarke, who made some videos re a BSL Act, this in turn inspired a marvellous video from Lee Robertson, where he demonstrated perfectly how to spit out a dummy; as well as making some very good points about how much has actually changed since BSL recognition – that is, not much.
This then inspired me to create a new poem, ‘Spit the Dummy’, which I published on my DeafFirefly blog a couple of weeks ago.
The day after I published my blog, I was inboxed by Lee, who asked if I would like to be an admin of a group he was helping to set up with James and John. Flattered, and thinking it would be a small thing while I got on with other things, I said yes.
Imagine standing on a beach. Someone offers you a surfboard. You take it, thinking it’ll be a fun ride. Then, as you paddle out into the shallows, you realise that a) the approaching wave is in fact a tsunami and b) you don’t know how to surf.
My fellow surfers are Lee Robertson, James Clarke, John Smith, Sylvia Simmonds and Des Masterson. Sylvia, Des and I were asked to come on board for our specific skills i.e. Deaf advocacy and campaign and parliamentary knowledge from Sylvia and Des, and English / writing skills from me.
It seems that many people support a BSL Act, for various reasons; the number of posts on the Facebook page has been just dizzying. The admins all watched in stunned admiration as our little page hit 10,000 within days. And then we ran to catch up, with, I’ll be honest, varying levels of success. If I had a tenner for every time I’ve thought I’ve bitten off more than I could chew, well let’s just say my tax return for next year would be a lot more impressive than the one just gone.
For the most part, it’s been amazing to see how many people support a BSL Act, at the last count we had 373 videos, and some of the experiences people have shared have been powerful and moving. It’s clear some form of legislation reinforcing and protecting British Sign Language is sorely needed.
What we really want is for BSL to have the same level of recognition and support as Welsh. It may take a while, but with the good examples of the BSL Act currently making its way through the Scottish parliament and of Iceland, where Icelandic Sign Language is fully legally supported, we can but hope! And campaign.
But patience, people! Check out John Smith’s video where he uses the parallel of the Berlin Wall to see what I mean…
In the meantime, the rules of the group are:
1) Please keep posts relevant to the BSL Act Campaign.
2) Please keep the atmosphere positive.
3) No swearing, no personal attacks, no bullying and no libel.
4) Images that are considered offensive shall be removed.
5) This group is for the BSL Act campaign, not for promotion of services or products. Advertisements and posts promoting services, events and products will be removed. For any BSL Act Campaign-related events, please refer to the admin team for approval.
And yes, I’m sad to say, each of these rules came about as a result of the first week. Fireworks indeed! Saner people would have quit… And I’m told that some of our new members did.
All I can say is that the admin team are very sorry if anyone was offended or upset by anything that happened over the last couple of weeks, but we had a big powwow in Birmingham on Sunday and we finally have what I suspect we’ve needed all along: A Plan.
A Plan! And step one is seeking out and approving new admins. We’re going for twelve in total, and we hope those we ask will say yes, but will totally understand if they don’t. There are other steps, and they shall be revealed, have no fear, James and Lee are now the Media team, so watch that space!
For the group we’re looking for posts relevant to the BSL Act; experiences, positive and negative, positive in ways in which some awareness of BSL has made your day a little brighter (like discovering a receptionist could sign, a miracle indeed!) or negative in how lack of access in or understanding of BSL has affected people.
For the record, we’re certainly not looking for videos of BSL users going up to poor random hearing people and signing at them while they look lost. It’s not helpful. We’re trying to encourage people to understand how and why BSL is important in our lives, not put them off for life. Besides, I don’t much like it when people come up and start talking randomly at me; much less if they’re holding a clipboard. Let’s not do it to others, eh? With or without a clipboard.
But there has been positive stuff as well! Debates about counselling that identified gaps in the services, valid complaints about the police (and if you have been mistreated by the police for example by them refusing to get you a sign language interpreter, you can complain to the IPCC – Independent Police Complaints Commission. I had a look at their website and there’s no time limit on complaints, though they do like to get them within a year of the incident. If it’s longer than that, point out how lack of access discouraged you from complaining before. Not that I’m encouraging anyone to give the police negative feedback…!) and if you have been mistreated by the NHS, there is PALS – the Patient Liaison Service – whose job is to mediate complaints. I’ve used them myself in the past. And it seems I’m not the only one that’s had bad experiences with banks!
In a way, I think that’s been one of the most positive effects of the group – it’s a message to other BSL users out there: we are not the only ones. We are not the only ones who feel ignored, who’ve been badly treated, who fear for the future. There are others out there. Please, let’s embrace them, and not get tied up in endless debates. As John Smith said, we need to point our energies not at each other but THAT WAY at the government if we’re going to have a chance.
I won’t lie. The last couple of weeks have been occasionally overwhelming. Please be kind to us admins; we’re absolutely thrilled with the progress of the group but we’re babies too, finding our feet and yes, sometimes falling flat on our face. The thing is to pick ourselves up and keep tottering, because eventually we’ll all be walking, hopefully up to the door of No. 10 Downing Street with a dummy in hand. Who’s with us?
For now, I’ve been brushing up that poem that seems to have got me in so much hot water and I’d like to give it to the BSL Act campaign. Here is ‘Spit the Dummy’ with a short intro…
Viva la revolution!
Donna Williams is a Contributing Editor to this site. She is a Deaf writer and blogger living in Bristol and studying part-time in Cardiff. As well as being a postgrad student, she’s a BSL poet, freelance writer, NDCS Deaf Role Model presenter, and occasional performer. She tweets as @DeafFirefly
The Limping Chicken is the UK’s independent Deaf news and Deaf blogs website! Check out what our supporters provide: BSL translation, multimedia solutions, television production and BSL training (Remark! ), sign language communications support (Deaf Umbrella), online BSL video interpreting (SignVideo), theatre captioning (STAGETEXT), legal advice for Deaf people (RAD Deaf Law Centre), Remote Captioning wherever you are (Bee Communications), live visual theatre with BSL (Krazy Kat) , healthcare support for Deaf people (SignHealth), sign language interpreting and communications support (AD Communications) & advice for Deaf students (The University of Wolverhampton’s Deaf Learner Open Day on Wednesday 27th March!)
Linda Richards
March 12, 2013
Congratulations to all! Best of luck to the admin team! And great positive vibes and posts from and for all of us who want to see this BSL Act come about whether we are Deaf, hearing, work with Deaf people, have family or friends who are Deaf or simply support the idea of a more equal society.
My hat is in the ring! Lmr xx
March 12, 2013
Good luck to the admin team- all kudos to you all for getting the ball to roll. With time, supporters of BSL Act will form a giant tsunami that can be not defeated. Keep the faith!
March 12, 2013
Good Luck to the team, i support BSL, as I was one of the founders of first BSL teaching group, over 30 years ago.
However, I have not joined as it has been very confussing, many deaf have had problems that is understandable.
but my question is What is BSL Act? what do you want or aim from it?, when I put this forward everyone clams up and not know, hope the team can explain,
why not go to Deaf Clubs have an open chat forum, each club asked to cover the cost of speakers expenses etc, perhaps that way we could get something to aim for instead of individual complaints, also why BSL Act? should it be Deaf Act?, as I believe in first video it was said if you SSE and Oral deaf then not bother join, this put many off also parents too, look into this as important. best of luck, hope you do well.
March 13, 2013
Thanks for the good wishes, everyone! *tsunami roars*
This is the aim we’ve come up with for the group:
To campaign for an Act of Parliament that reinforces and gives legal protection to British Sign Language (BSL) as an officially recognised language of the United Kingdom. BSL was recognised on 18th March 2003, but was not given the same legal support as, for example, Welsh.
We wish for BSL to be as equal in the eyes of the law as English and Welsh.
Yes it’s vague at the moment, but this is our basic aim, and we will be fleshing this out as the group and debates develop.
That’s a good suggestion re Deaf clubs, will pass that on to other admins, thanks! These are still very early days so still gathering info and feedback.
BSL Act as it focuses on building on BSL recognition, and hopefully raising access for all deaf people in the process. I don’t remember any of our videos saying if people are Oral deaf or SSE not to bother to join, but it is true that in the first week or so there were a lot of debates over BSL and SSE, some heated, and we realised that they were getting us nowhere and only causing arguments. So yes, some videos did say please no more debates about SSE v BSL, let’s move on.
We decided to keep our focus on BSL as it is a recognised and established language, though someone in a debate did make a reference to New Zealand’s legislation on sign language, which allows for ‘appropriate method of visual communication’ if I remember rightly, which would cover SSE, makaton, cued speech, whichever was most appropriate for the person / child and I think that would be a good clause to have in any BSL Act, as it would mean we could cover all kinds of deaf people, not just BSL users.
Thanks for your good wishes, and I hope I’ve been able to respond to your feedback.
gillian greenshields
June 22, 2013
I joined Bsl Act fb page as a learner or Bsl. I am about to start my level 3. I can understand a great deal morrow than I thought I would I am pleased to say. (I am hearing). I am in shock actually at how little has changed or been.done in.the last ten years since Bsl was recognised in 2003. My tutors are lovely people they cannot do enough for their students when.helping us learn this beautiful language. The group helps me both with learning signs and receptive skills as well as educate myself and others out with the deaf community about the daily struggles faced by lack of support for deaf people. I truly hope that in My career as a sign communicator (when.I qualify) can make some difference yo someone somewhere. I watch with eager anticipation and admiration as what you guys are doing is awesome. I have learned so much already your doing a great job……..#foreverpositive
March 3, 2014
Any ideas on how to sign the “e-petition”? It was mentioned I me but haven’t been able to find it. Might be good to make this more public, gain more signatures? Thanks