Deaf news in BSL from Remark: Deaf Village Ireland | Japanese earthquake | Deaf cat

Posted on March 25, 2013 by

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Click on the titles to go to Remark’s website, then click ‘BSL’ to watch the news in beautiful sign language!

Irish Deaf village opens its doors
Deaf Village Ireland is home to a number of Deaf organisations, all in one place. It includes a sports centre, conference facilities, offices, a chapel, educational facilities and a cafe.

Deaf people captured on film during Japanese earthquake
The documentary shows how Deaf people couldn’t hear emergency sirens as the earthquake hit, with one of them only escaping the wave that washed away her house because a neighbour came to warn her.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights translated into BSL
The UDHR is seen as important to Deaf people because many of the rights of Deaf people to use sign language are enshrined in the declaration.

American prison settles with prisoner denied interpreter
The police claimed they had communicated with him effectively by writing notes and using his hearing roommate as an interpreter. However, the lawsuit said this was inadequate.

Deaf indian woman reunited with brother 12 years after getting wrong bus
With Galiman unable to communicate, and her family unable to contact her, she ended up living in a home near a notorious prison. And that’s where she stayed, until a kind police officer tracked her family down.

Noisy Deaf cat looking for Deaf owner
Currently living in a shelter in Surrey, Sandy is so loud that the only owners that would suit her is Deaf people living in a detached home, without children, pets or neighbours.

Every week we feature Deaf news in British Sign Language (BSL) courtesy of our sponsor, Remark! To find out more about the company and the services they provide, just visit their website,

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