There are no words to describe this, except for one.
Well done Amy Dawson!
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Posted in: watch
May 9, 2013
Linda Richards
May 9, 2013
This is brilliant! Amy, now 14, conjured up the term ‘Go,Go, Go Gerry!’ which became the slogan of Gerry’s fundraising website and chant by Gerry s many followers. The slogan was applied to tee-shirts and became the signing-off phrase to use on Gerry’s Facebook page. But what this work by Amy really shows is that Gerry’s voyage has inspired many including Amy and that’s what makes both Gerry’s historic achievement and Amy’s slogan so remarkable. Gerry showed deaf youngsters like Amy that dreams are possible and that deafness is not a barrier. In turn, Amy and thousands like her of all ages, adopt Gerry as a role model. Role models can’t be foistered onto people and children and young people won’t be fooled. So Amy’s wonderful animation shows her admiration for Gerry as her role model. And you know what, Amy is a role model for me too. To spend all that time and effort creating something so simplistically brilliant is genius and speaks volumes about her character and the bright future she has! Both she and Gerry have led the way! Go, go, go, Amy! And thanks! Lmr xx
Michael Cardosi
May 10, 2013
Elaine Smith
May 11, 2013
Brilliant Amy, well done ! You make a great presenter xx