Deaf News: Sign Health makes information on domestic abuse available in BSL

Posted on June 12, 2013 by

Young DeafHope, a project run by national Deaf healthcare charity SignHealth, has translated a leaflet called ‘Expect Respect’ into a BSL film to teach Deaf people about domestic abuse.

Lynn Shannon, DeafHope Service Manager, explained: “The BSL film covers topics, such as healthy relationships, showing respect to others and what to do if you are experiencing abuse. It also includes case studies, which we have adapted to make them more relevant to Deaf people.

“We know that profoundly Deaf children and young people are much more vulnerable to suffering abuse and neglect, as they can miss out on key messages about it given through mainstream media and word of mouth.

“It is therefore imperative that we provide information in BSL, as well as offer support to young Deaf people from professionals fluent in BSL.”

Young DeafHope is a three year pilot project for London and South East England aimed at Deaf people aged between 11 and 30. The project offers outreach services at Deaf youth groups, hearing impaired units, residential schools, refuges and support groups.

The project workers are trained in domestic abuse and will accept referrals for one-to-one support to young people who are experiencing, or have experienced, abuse within a relationship.

Lynn added: “We will use the film at schools and outreach workshops and think it will be a valuable tool in our work making young Deaf people more aware of domestic abuse.

Watch the video on Sign Health’s website here:

To find out more about SignHealth, please call 01494 687600 or visit the website

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