Jack signs ‘J’
Day 5 Monday 17th June
Today starts with the house accidentally revealing to Michael that they knew he was the only one going to be nominating. Despite all their theories though they still haven’t twigged he knew they knew! Nor that his whole purpose there is controlled by the public.
Jackie and Charlie (Mother and Daughter) had a task in which Jackie had to guide Charlie through a series of actions whilst blindfolded to win a prize. Unbeknown to Jackie, Charlie had a secret mission to sabotage the task and could actually see what she was doing! So they failed their task, but passed the secret mission resulting in them receiving massage goodies.
In the Live Feed on day 5, not shown in the highlights show, Sam goes through the finger spelling alphabet with a few of the housemates. Jack and Callum both attempt to sign their first name letters. Jack asked Sam if he can hear their voices to which he says yes. Later on in the Live Feed we see the boys teaching Sam how to chat up girls! Callum says a big smile is important when going up to talk to a woman. Callum and Sam do a bit of role play with Hazel and Michael helping. Very amusing! Sam is interacting so much more today with different housemates and smiling and looks happy.
Day 6 Tuesday 18th June
Callum attempts to teach Charlie to dance, whilst Jackie shows Dan how to dance. The first Shopping task takes place, but of course it is also the task of Michael, as the Peoples Puppet, to ensure they fail.
Conversations still occur throughout the house with different theories as to who is lying.
Last part of the highlights show was live from the house as Michael was selected to “save” one of the three nominated housemates. Each of the 3 housemates had to tell Michael why they should be saved. Michael then “selected” Dexter to be saved (but of course it was the public who voted for this). So now there are only two housemates up for eviction on Friday.
Next update including eviction news coming soon..
The Limping Chicken’s Big Brother correspondent is Michelle Hedley. Michelle is a Geordie originally from Tyneside, now living just inside the border of Northumberland. She loves discovering music and also has a love of the theatre, especially musicals. She’s a fan of science-fiction, watches anything on TV that is subtitled, and is now reliving her childhood renting DVDs! She is also a geocacher, and is on Twitter as @Shelle02
The Limping Chicken is supported by a range of charities and organisations linked to deafness, all of whom offer services that enhance deaf lives. Click on the images on the right-hand side of this site or go to our Supporters page to find out all about them!
Posted on June 21, 2013 by Editor